Comparator<> vs Compartor.comparing when sorting Java Streams
Reduce the amount of comparators you have using Comparator.comparing().
When implementing sorting logic, it’s common to choose one out of the 2 routes:
(a) use implementations of Comparator<>
(b) use lambdas
Although these are still good approaches, there is a very handy factory method in the Comparator interface that can generate comparing functions for you in a very sleek way.
Sort using an implementation of Comparator<>
Sort using Lambdas
Sort using Comparator.comparing (my favourite)
Comparators, in general, have the method thenComparing that can be used to concatenate other comparators, so you can combine them together and have a more complex sorting mechanism without having to create a whole new class for it.
Hope it helps!
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My name is Hudson Mendes (@hudsonmendes), I’m a 38 years old coder, husband, father of 3, ex Startup Founder, ex-Peloton L7 Staff Tech Lead/Manager, nearly BSc in Computer Science by the University of London & Senior AI/ML Engineering Manager.
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