SOLVED: System.Drawing .NETCore on Mac, GDIPlus Exception

⚡️Hudson Ⓜ️endes
2 min readAug 18, 2018


Just caught a GDI+ error running System.Drawing on a Mac? Maybe I got what you need here, to solve it in 5 secs.


If you are trying to generate thumbnails on .NETCore, you probably have come across of the porting of the System.Drawing namespace into mono.

If you haven't, check it out. It's a fantastic article about the several options for image processing on .NET Core that has some limitations.


I got the whole thing up and running in debug. But when I went for our dotnet run, I got the following crash:

The type initializer for ‘System.Drawing.GDIPlus’ threw an exception. — -> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘gdiplus’: The specified module or one of its dependencies could not be found.


After googling a bit, I found out that macs have a brew package for the GDI+ good to go.

brew install mono-libgdiplus

And it works like a charm!
Hope this tiphelps you too, and saves you some minutes.

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My name is Hudson Mendes (@hudsonmendes), I’m a 38 years old coder, husband, father of 3, ex Startup Founder, ex-Peloton L7 Staff Tech Lead/Manager, nearly BSc in Computer Science by the University of London & Senior AI/ML Engineering Manager.

I’ve been on the Software Engineering road for 22+ years, and occasionally write about topics of interest to other Senior Engineering Managers and Staff Machine Learning Engineering with a bit of focus (but not exclusively) on Natural Language Processing.

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⚡️Hudson Ⓜ️endes
⚡️Hudson Ⓜ️endes

Written by ⚡️Hudson Ⓜ️endes

⚡️Staff AI/ML Engineer & Senior Engineering Manager, #NLP, opinions are my own.

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